So many things..so little time. I think I need to put up a calender, at this rate! :) Ah..it keeps me out of trouble, and that is always a good thing. So friday night from 5-9, we have the Obamathon at the Verdi Club in San Francisco. I'll be there with my sprays and Obama stencil...so bring a pre washed shirt and I'll spray it for you for 5 bucks! I'll also have pre sprayed shirts, posters, spokecards and..of course..Stencil 1 stencils!!
Saturday I'll be with my Petaluma Craft Mafia gals at the Sacramento Craft Mafia's Craftoberfest! Held at the Sacramento News and Review parking lot from 10-4pm..this is going to be loads of crafty fun! can't wait!! If you're in the area, stop by and say hi!! :)
I'm so happy you ladies braved the wind made it out to Sac! I meant to get some of your luchador cards... Hopefully, next time!